About me

These days I work with computers. In a previous life I did math research.

Short Bio

I grew up in Italy, studied pure math at the university of Pisa, and later earned my PhD from the university of Oxford. My research was in algebraic geometry, and my advisor was Tom Bridgeland.
For a about a year I was a Doctoral Prize Fellow at Imperial College London, and afterwards I spent a few years at Rice university as an Instructor and NSF Research Fellow. At the end of my time at Rice, I was lucky enough to receive offers to be a tenure-track professor, but decided to switch fields. For some time I was a Research Investigator at MD Anderson Cancer Center, then a Senior Data Scientist at Walmart NexTech, and now a Software Engineer at FacebookMeta.

Here is an (outdated) academic CV.


  • Here is a video of myself talking about the flops paper below during the Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry: Methods and Structures at the IAS. [video]
  • Here is a video of Jørgen Rennemo talking about our work on the Crepant Resolution Conjecture in Donaldson-Thomas theory (joint with Sjoerd Beentjes) during the Structures in Enumerative Geometry workshop at MSRI. [video]
  • Here are two videos of Jim Bryan providing background and motivation for his Crepant Resolution Conjecture during the Introductory Workshop: Enumerative Geometry Beyond Numbers at MSRI. [video 1, video 2]


  • A proof of the Donaldson-Thomas crepant resolution conjecture.
    Inventiones (to appear, submitted Nov 2018, accepted Feb 2022) with Sjoerd Beentjes, Jørgen Rennemo. [outdated pdf]
  • Gabriel's theorem and birational geometry.
    Proc. AMS 149 (2021), 907-922, with Roberto Pirisi. [pdf]
  • Relative Singular Twisted Bondal-Orlov.
    Math. Res. Lett. 25 (2018), no. 2, 393--414. [pdf]
  • A note on derived equivalences and birational geometry.
    Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 49 (2017), no. 3, 499--504. [pdf]
  • Chopping up derived categories.
    (expository -- it was meant to appear in a now-defunct proceedings volume) [pdf]
  • A remark on generators of D(X) and flags.
    Manuscripta Math.154 (2017), no. 1-2, 275--278. [pdf]
  • Derived equivalent Calabi-Yau 3-folds from cubic 4-folds.
    Math. Ann. 365 (2016), no. 1-2, 155-172, with Richard Thomas. [pdf]
  • On the Crepant Resolution Conjecture for Donaldson--Thomas invariants.
    J. Algebraic Geom. 25 (2016), no. 1, 1-18. [pdf]
  • Donaldson-Thomas invariants and flops.
    J. Reine Angew. Math. 716 (2016), 103-145. [pdf] [erratum]
  • Moduli problems in abelian categories and the reconstruction theorem.
    Algebr. Geom. 2 (2015), no. 1, 1-18, with Michael Groechenig. [pdf]



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    A poster with lots of colors